
Nelson - malá, ale butiková vinařská oblast

Nelson - a small but boutique wine region

Do you know what the specific wine region of Nelson is in New Zealand? It is one of the smaller wine regions spread over 1,082 hectares on the north-western tip...

Nelson - a small but boutique wine region

Do you know what the specific wine region of Nelson is in New Zealand? It is one of the smaller wine regions spread over 1,082 hectares on the north-western tip...

6 nejpěstovanějších odrůd na Novém Zélandu

The 6 most cultivated varieties in New Zealand

Not only its breathtaking landscape looms over New Zealand, but also the top wines that the local vineyards produce. This country is known for its exceptional grape varieties that have...

The 6 most cultivated varieties in New Zealand

Not only its breathtaking landscape looms over New Zealand, but also the top wines that the local vineyards produce. This country is known for its exceptional grape varieties that have...

Novozélandský Pinot Noir: intenzivní, výrazný, ovocný

New Zealand Pinot Noir: intense, expressive, fr...

We have the month of September and with it comes the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. We love this season because with it comes the time to...

New Zealand Pinot Noir: intense, expressive, fr...

We have the month of September and with it comes the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. We love this season because with it comes the time to...

Popíjejte a vychutnávejte: Ideální letní vína pro osvěžení

Sip and enjoy: Ideal summer wines for refreshment

With the arrival of summer heat, it is time to buy wines that will perfectly complement sunny days and pleasant evenings. Whether you are planning a picnic on the beach,...

Sip and enjoy: Ideal summer wines for refreshment

With the arrival of summer heat, it is time to buy wines that will perfectly complement sunny days and pleasant evenings. Whether you are planning a picnic on the beach,...

Pairing riesling

Discover Riesling from New Zealand

Who says the best Riesling comes from Germany? When you think of New Zealand wine, most people think of Sauvignon Blanc, but the country is also home to excellent Riesling...

Discover Riesling from New Zealand

Who says the best Riesling comes from Germany? When you think of New Zealand wine, most people think of Sauvignon Blanc, but the country is also home to excellent Riesling...

5 tipů, jaká vína pít v zimě

5 tips on what wines to drink in winter

When the days start to get shorter and the outdoor temperatures also drop to zero, our taste buds begin to crave not only dense foods, but also warm, full-bodied wines....

5 tips on what wines to drink in winter

When the days start to get shorter and the outdoor temperatures also drop to zero, our taste buds begin to crave not only dense foods, but also warm, full-bodied wines....